Presentation of IASA-Spain Chapter. DDD IASA (1/8)
Presentation of IASA-Spain ChapterIASA-Spain Members benefitsCesar de la Torre.Subject: Software Architecture for LOB (Line of Business) and High Scalable Apps- DDD (Domain Driven Design) architectures for long term business applications- CQRS (Command and Query Responsability Segregation) for High Scalable Internet applications- Implementing DDD/CQRS on specific technology platforms (several vendors)Date: Nov. 7th 2011 Facultad Informática UPM. Video Realizado por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Fecha: 07-11-2011
- Lugar: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Campus Montegancedo ()
- Autores: César de la Tore
- Categoría: ---
- Etiquetas: :
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upm, , gate, , universidad, , politecnica, , madrid, , , , informatica - Duración: 11m 40s
- Ver: UPM|Player